Saturday 8 October 2011

Call of duty modern warfare 3

Call of duty Modern warfare 3 :

Call of duty is definitely one of my favorite games out, But now Infinity Ward are releasing new one this year called Call of duty Modern warfare 3! it is said to be released on 8th November 2011. call of duty has turned into the biggest franchise in gaming history.

Personally I think that Modern Warfare 3 is going to be the best game made this year because based on the videos that I have seen of the game it just looks amazing, also on Modern Warfare 2 the graphics were good but on this one they are even better! also the guns look much better, plus the best weapons on Modern Warfare 2 are now on Modern Warfare 3 but better so we all can use our favorite guns.

There have been some rumors that Modern Warfare 3 are going to have the game mode called zombies which Treyarch created in Call of duty: world at war but Infinity Ward unfortunately cant steal the idea Trearch made, but on the bright side Infinity Ward are going to make a game mode similar to spec-ops. But from what I have heard they are going to make a survival mode similar to zombies.

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